Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system that varies from mild to severe. This condition causes your body to produce too many skin cells. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on your body, including your nails. In fact, people suffering from this autoimmune disease are at risk of developing nail psoriasis, which alters the way your toenails and fingernails look. Nail psoriasis affects up to 50 percent of people who have psoriasis and as many as 80 percent of people who suffer from psoriatic arthritis. However, a person with no history of psoriasis can also develop this nail problem. One of the first signs of nail psoriasis is a change in nail color. Your nail color may change to green, yellow or brown. Other symptoms include small red or white spots underneath the nails, ridges or grooves in the nails, pitting (small pinprick holes) on the nails’ surface, itching, a buildup of chalky white material under your nails, thickening of your nails and nails becoming loose or